Working From Home: A List of Resources

  • Mar 16, 2020


With so many of us moving to a remote work environment, we thought it might be helpful to provide a list of tips and tricks to make the transition a little smoother. With all the distractions (kids home from school, dogs, spouses, laundry, etc), it can be a bit challenging to be productive and get work done! So here’s a short list of articles we compiled that had some helpful tips on navigating the home office life.


Forbes: The Art of Working Remotely

BC: How to Work from Home, the Right Way

Whole Whale: 9 Tips for Working Remotely

The Guardian: Video conference Call Tips

Stack Overflow: Working from Home Tips from Experienced Remote Employees


Buffer: Working From Home with Kids - 21 Tips From Our Remote Team 

Doist: The Remote Working Parent’s Survival Guide

One thing that may make this season even more difficult is the feeling of loneliness and isolation. When possible, use video over the standard conference call to help create more interactions and avoid loneliness as much as you can. Go outside, take a walk, and try to talk to family and friends regularly via phone or video chat. We are all in this together. Hang in there friends…


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  • Tags: working remotely, resources